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Discussion Scenarios and Questions
Forever is Too Long

section one: LIFE EXTENSION

If you could live another 50 years in a youthful body, would you choose to do it?

  • Would you answer differently if you could live forever?

  • If you could be healthy, how important is “life extension” to you?

If your mind could be perfectly copied and you could live as a digital entity, imagine what you would do with that opportunity.

  • What could be the societal consequences and opportunities?

  • What kind of impacts would this have on the younger generation?

  • How do you think this would impact your relationships with family and friends?

If this immortal digital life was not available to all because of limited resources, how should it be decided who receives such al life extension?

  • What level of criminality should be enough to bar a person from the life extension?


Rather than asking the question: Has technology gone too far. Ask the question: Can technology go too far?

  • Your thoughts?

  • If technology could go too far, what are your thoughts about recognizing and understanding the tipping point?

What is a life form? 

  • Is a Mindar a life form? Is it human?

  • Is a Biotar a life form? Is it human?

  • Is life only biological-based?

  • What is a human mind? Synapses and neurons, or something more?

If Mindars and Biotars are considered life forms, who is responsible for their care?

  • What responsibilities do they have to society?

Do Mindars/Biotars have souls?

  • What about their digital backup copies?


section two: GENETICS

How will genetic engineering change our society?


How do we draw the line? 

  • Is it about limiting different types of genetic changes?

  • Or, is it about medical healing and prevention?

If everyone you know is having their children genetically enhanced, would you do it too? 

What is the ideal human? (What is the value of diversity if everyone is being genetically enhanced?)

  • Intelligence? (What is intelligence?)

  • Athleticism

  • Extroversion and Introversion

  • Emotional/Social maturity

  • Creativity


Do you think computer systems can exhibit personalities? Temperament?

  • How about in the future?

Do you think AI systems will reach consciousness?

  • What do you think defines consciousness? (Self-aware? Feelings for others?}

  • If an AI system can demonstrate consciousness, does this make it a life form?

  • f an AI system can demonstrate consciousness, do we want it to demonstrate a conscience?

What do you think we WANT from AI systems? What do we fear about AI systems?

©2023 by Rebecca Finkel,

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